Wednesday, November 4, 2009

it has been a long time so much so little time

Wow!!so much has happened since the last time I blogged... What can I say... I can say a lot but won't.
Our Daughter Lauren got married in Sept. to a real Nice man his name is( Ready for this) Tode.. or we just call him Todd...It is differant sayin Son-In-Law. He has a job so that is a good start. He treats Lauren with respect so that is good also.

So what else is new..hmmmm lets see.... I signed up for Ironman Wisconsin 2010 .... that in it self is another story kind of Funny now... it was not at the time... I will share that later, (Just really really Really glad Star is a good sport..)

Oh!! I know what else.. The father- daughter dance was Great it was so much fun.The whole day was a Dream come true for any father... It was a beautiful day sunny and not a cloud in the sky... okay there was a couple but they stayed away.. Lauren looked..... I do not know if there is a word that can discripe how Beautiful she looked that day. when I saw Our daughter for the first time in Her wedding Dress. I could not speak... this was the day we spoke about when she was a little Girl, we would go out on daddy/ daughter dates and she would talk about this... okay not all the time , she did talk about "boys"...... she did ask me not to Cry because as she put it "My make up is to Expensive" to let it ... what ever it does... so I did not cry... she did let me give her some Fatherly Advice... no not about the wedding night.....but about communication, respect, honor..

In Oct. I went up to Minneapolis on Massage Business I was asked to be on a pannel of educators to review the National Certification test that massage therapist need to take. Our Job was to come up with a "Cut score" ... don't ask It is a Math. head is still spinning...

I have not been up to Minneapolis in 30 years... Wow Now I feel old... don't go there any one.....
Now that city has Changed. It was enjoyable to be there I hope we made a differance. made some new friends which is always nice to be able to do.
The real cool thing I took away from this was The program We have developed at The School of Holistic Massage and Reflexology is working real good... I really Thank God for this.. it is all good..

Today My best friends daughter gave me some of His remains.... I will be bringing Tom Swatek with me when I do Ironman Wisconsin 2010. Tom Knew that Bike course better then anyone...

Till next time...

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